Welcome to Volcanic Peppers
Volcano Dust ™ is now available for purchase at http://volcanicpeppers.com/shopping
Wednesday, September 22, 2010
Chocolate Bhut

World Herald article
Friday, September 3, 2010
Tuesday, August 31, 2010
Peppers for salsa
Friday, August 20, 2010
1st ripe bhut jolokia
Wednesday, August 4, 2010

I am pleased with the progress of my Bhut Jolokia or Ghost peppers. I can't wait to have some turn ripe so I can try them. Last year I only had red jolokias and they were a small type. This year I have a variety of yellow, brown and red of the larger variety and I can't wait to give each a try. I also have some of the smaller version from last year as an alternative. I expect to have some available at the August 14th market but I can't say for sure as they ripen slowly as most hot peppers do. I will try not to use too many myself and have some available to you. I hope to see you there.
Saturday, July 24, 2010
Market table
Friday, July 23, 2010
First pepper Harvest
Tuesday, July 13, 2010
Dates for Farmers Market at Village Pointe
Hope to see you there.
Saturday, July 10, 2010
Ripe and unexpected pepper
So I have this plant that is bearing fruit of the kind seen in the photo and I have it labeled as a Cayenne (red hot) pepper. The cayenne pepper I was expecting is about half the size of this pepper and I am just not sure what I have here. I picked one and, of course, had to try it. The flavor was actually a little sweet and it had a nice kick to it. This could turn into being a surprise winner. I guess the next step is to try and figure out a name for it and where it came from.
The seeds that I used for this plant came from fruit out of last years harvest so I am wondering if possibly this is a mixture of two different plants or if the seeds I recovered have reverted back to a pre-hybrid state. Either way it is interesting to have an unexpected plant with, what turned out to be, a tasty fruit. If anyone recognizes this pepper and has an idea of what it might be feel free to leave a comment.
Thursday, July 8, 2010
Wednesday, July 7, 2010
Hot banana peppers.
First pepper of the year. Sliced onto a burger. Quite tasty.
Saturday, June 19, 2010
First Blog
Chile peppers are somewhat slow growing plants, we start ours from seed in January and nurture them indoors until they are ready to go outside. My daughter and I have a great time growing and selling them at the Village Pointe Farmers Market in Omaha. We take pride in our efforts to grow them pesticide and herbicide free using compost to feed the plants and predator insects to help with the pests. We specialize in hot peppers including a variety of Habeneros, a fan favorite was the chocolate Hab, it does not taste like chocolate but it sure is tasty and hot. I had one customer tell me he chopped and added one to a batch of brownies and said it was awesome. We also have jalepenos, cayenne, hot lemons, fatali and of course the famous bhut jolokia (ghost chile). Several people asked for some milder options this year so we have added some poblano, bell and sweet crimson plants. We also grow a variety of herbs, garlic and tomato's and sell them as they are available. Last year we experimented with dried and smoked peppers and these babies are HOT. Many customers purchased and gave positive feedback so this year we are taking it a step further by drying, smoking and grinding these peppers making a powder that will knock your socks off. I have already shared with family and friends and they love it almost as much as I do and I look forward to sharing this with our patrons.
Well this is my first entry and I hope you have enjoyed it. I look forward to sharing more as the season progresses.