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Saturday, July 10, 2010

Ripe and unexpected pepper

So I have this plant that is bearing fruit of the kind seen in the photo and I have it labeled as a Cayenne (red hot) pepper. The cayenne pepper I was expecting is about half the size of this pepper and I am just not sure what I have here. I picked one and, of course, had to try it. The flavor was actually a little sweet and it had a nice kick to it. This could turn into being a surprise winner. I guess the next step is to try and figure out a name for it and where it came from.

The seeds that I used for this plant came from fruit out of last years harvest so I am wondering if possibly this is a mixture of two different plants or if the seeds I recovered have reverted back to a pre-hybrid state. Either way it is interesting to have an unexpected plant with, what turned out to be, a tasty fruit. If anyone recognizes this pepper and has an idea of what it might be feel free to leave a comment.

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